We have around 2 featured Wildlife Parks and wildlife days out in the Republic of Ireland (Southern Ireland).
We are currently updating the pages following the move over you our new website that we are getting ready for 2022.
Come back soon to find the new updated pages and information about the wildlife centres around the UK.
Wildlife Parks and wildlife centres make great places to visit and fun days out.

"Cyril" the Squirrel
Meet “Cyril” the squirrel.
Cyril is 28 years old and is a teacher.
Cyril loves books and especially books about wildlife and animals.
Cyril is very excitable… whenever he discovers a new fact he literally jumps for joy, like he is here.
There are two types of squirrel, Red squirrels and Grey squirrels.
Cyril is a Red Squirrel.
Red squirrels are native to the UK but are more rare than Grey squirrels.
So if you have been out and about and seen Cyril or one of his close red cousins you are very lucky.